
Automotive Distribution Software

Automotive ERP – SYSPRO business solutions for Automotive Parts distributors

Automotive distributors and wholesalers face unique challenges on the road to profitability. While you’re trying to keep products and funds flowing in the right direction, it can be tough to deal with roadblocks like global competition – not to mention product recalls and volatile changes in both demand volume and transportation costs.

Discover how automotive distribution software from SYSPRO enables you to drive through barriers to achieve company growth. Whether you’re trading as a Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or aftermarket auto parts, SYSPRO can help you gain remarkable operational efficiency, while empowering you to make smarter, more strategic decisions with 360-visibility across your business.

5 Key Automotive component distribution challenges SYSPRO can help you resolve


According to research by German insurer Allianz released in late 2019, the average value of large recall claims in the automotive industry is $13.78m.
  • Gain 24/7 access to your business with SYSPRO Mobile technology
  • Manage complex pricing such as contract pricing, volume discounts, promotions and rebates
  • Reduce paperwork with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) to automate order management processing
  • Maximize sales across your organization with visibility into opportunities, pipeline and customer information with CRM
  • Ensure customer satisfaction by effectively controlling the return and exchange of items purchased by customers with visibility and tracking of items until the transaction is concluded
  • Improve efficiency with repeat order customer templates
  • Control and streamline inventory with tools to improve forecasting and planning; match supply with customer demand
  • Respond quickly to customer and supplier requirements with seamless data interchange between external trading partners and value-added networks
  • Gain visibility across the supply chain by tracking materials from supply chain source through final destination while taking ownership as soon as the voyage is departed
  • Account for customer forecasts, historical sales trends, seasonality and supplier lead times to optimize purchasing decisions
  • Efficiently control the return and exchange of items bought from suppliers, ensuring visibility and tracking of items until the transaction is concluded
  • Improve inventory accuracy, inventory turns and customer service
  • Automate warehouse management operations such as physical and cycle counts, picking, put away, replenishment and shipping
  • Reduce warehouse errors and capitalize on improved picking and labor efficiencies through automated data collection
  • Facilitate the creation of warehouses and bin locations to represent both physical and virtual stock location
  • Support various shipping requirements from small packages to LTL to full truck load shipments
  • Seamlessly integrate with automatic scale and manifesting systems for small package shipping
  • A strong driver in this industry is a traceability system, in case of a failure in automotive safety standards. Regulations indicate areas requiring extra focus, but ultimately, the management team need to fully understand their risks and be fully in control of all of their processes all day long.
  • The increasing use of common components in large numbers of products causes recalls to spread across several manufacturers with some problems not becoming apparent until the goods have been sold to the mass market.
  • Traceability is especially challenging because problems can occur at any point along your supply chain, from R&D through materials handling to assembly and shipping. Broken or slow processes can be particularly costly – and even lethal.
  • SYSPRO Traceability offers full visibility throughout the value chain to ensure quality and continued compliance with regulatory requirements. It provides the ability to trace, identify, isolate, report, quarantine and place affected products on hold quickly and with minimum disruption.
  • Particularly for component and material suppliers of original equipment manufacturers (OEM), synchronizing supply with customer demand is a key requirement to prevent costly line stoppages in assembly plants. This involves not only automating order processing and other processes in the supply chain, but also executing production plans using LEAN principles.
  • Streamlined electronic collaboration with your OEM customers is facilitated through features such as SYSPRO Workflow Services, Document Flow Manager, SYSPRO Solutions, EDI, Office Automation and Messaging, fax, email and various Business-to-Business import and export functions, thus reducing response time, margin for error and penalties associated with disruption to OEM production lines.
  • Enable greater visibility, compliance and quality control in the procurement and supplier selection process
  • Request for Quote Suppliers can respond directly to RFQs online
  • Supply Chain Portal Enables joint decision-making on suppliers and automatic selection of approved suppliers
  • Preferred Suppliers Allows you to capture and maintain predetermined sourcing policies to facilitate the selection of recommended and pre-approved suppliers during the purchasing cycle.

Drive operational efficiency with SYSPRO Automotive Distribution Software

  • Remain profitable in the face of fluctuating raw materials costs and margins – visibility to costs and profits across the business enables you to identify issues as they occur, including variations in expected and actual raw material and production costs; late supplier deliveries; obsolete, slow-moving and excessive inventories; and product defects and scrap
  • Control product design changes – your ability to design new products and modify existing designs, as well as improve time-to-market is critical to remaining competitive and profitable. SYSPRO provides tools to streamline and track the introduction of new product designs and amendments to existing designs, along with relevant costings.
  • Improve management processes for OEM returns, OEM rebates, OEM promotions, OEM warranty claims
  • Easily integrate to supply-chain partners, 3PL and customer electronic ordering and supply systems
  • Improve your customer responsiveness in all aspects from design, engineering and configuration
  • Digitally transform your business so that you can integrate business partners across your supply chain or to other systems, on premise or in the cloud
  • Enhancing the quotation process and consequently improving the conversion rate is a priority in building customer satisfaction with more accurate quoting and estimating
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Discover SYSPRO ERP at your fingertips

ERP Automotive Parts and Accessories – Business Critical Solutions

SYSPRO Return Merchandise provides an easy, efficient method of controlling the return or exchange of items sold to customers, ensuring visibility and tracking of the item until the transaction is concluded. Analysis of your RMAs can be performed to look for trends in returns for particular items or reasons as an indication of possible quality issues.
Return to Supplier simplifies the process of returns and provides an efficient method of controlling items leaving site for returns or repairs, ensuring visibility and tracking of the item until the process is concluded.​ Return to Supplier integrates all processes and capabilities affected by a return transaction, which includes Accounts Payable, Purchase Orders, Inventory Control, Return Material Authorization and General Ledger.​
For an industry like Automotive Parts and Accessories, lot traceability is a must to comply safety standards and maximize quality control. SYSPRO Lot Traceability allows you to track materials from receipt right through to delivery of the product to the customer, as well as at any level in-between. This solution also provides the ability to trace a lot or batch through the entire value chain from raw material receiving to dispatch and enables you to trace a unique item with a serial number through the value chain.
SYSPRO’s Sales Order solution is the heart of the distribution offering from SYSPRO. SYSPRO Sales Orders enhances customer service through fast, efficient order processing and accurate, timely order fulfilment while maximizing sales through instant access to information on stock availability, prices and product substitutions. This solution facilitates the unique requirement of the automotive industry in which automotive OEMs perform call offs against order contracts they have with component suppliers on a regular basis.
SYSPRO Projects and Contracts facilitates accurate profit reporting for long-term projects which require analysis of costs and revenues for multiple sections and levels. Purchase orders, job activity, sales orders and invoicing for jobs attached to a project update the contract or project in real time. Query screens and reports show up-to-date actual and committed costs, realized and projected profit at any level of the job hierarchy.

SYSPRO’s Quoting and Estimating capabilities allow you to create professional and comprehensive quotations. A highly flexible interface provides you with all the information you need to give your customers timely quotes/estimates. The Quotations and Estimates allow for the creation of a quote/estimate for either an existing customer or prospect or for either an existing inventory item or a non-inventory item. SYSPRO lets you track changes by using revision numbers, and all supporting documentation involved can be attached directly to the Quotation.

Solve your Automotive Parts and Accessories needs
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SYSPRO Traceability for Automotive Parts and Accessories Manufacturers Infographic

Navigating the complexity of a recall becomes simple when you’re able to act quickly. Download the infographic to get practical ways to implement an effective traceability system and a proper crisis management plan.


Supreme Spring

For Supreme Spring, the benefits of keeping up with the latest technology and the ability to future-proof their business with SYSPRO has ensured greater system performance and improved efficiencies and productivity.


Product Recall

SYSPRO Product Recall is a full traceability system developed to support an organization’s Recall Management System, and giving instant access to critical information required to track a suspect product, throughout the value chain.

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