
Applying and Operating ERP

Applying and Operating ERPERP and Financial Management

What ERP can do for you?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Would your organization benefit from reducing waste, lowering stock holding, improving efficiency and streamlining internal and external communication channels?

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Applying and Operating ERPSelecting ERP

Experience or Technology? The ERP Selection Dilemma.

Reading Time: 3 minutes The ERP landscape has changed quite a lot in recent years. There is a consistent stream of new entrants into …

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Applying and Operating ERPSelecting ERP

5 ERP Selection Tips for a Harmonious Partnership

Reading Time: 4 minutes My comparison of an ERP solution to a marriage has been met with varying degrees of skepticism over the years. …

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Applying and Operating ERP

Onsite Champions and Super Hero Consultants – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes In Part 1 of this blog I defined the general differences between the Onsite Champion (OC) and the Super Hero …

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Applying and Operating ERPTechnology (or Enterprise Technology)

The IT Women

Reading Time: 3 minutes Women are still under represented in the IT community, whether in management, project, consultancy, infrastructure, technical or development roles.  Big …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP and Analytics

Visibility is key to business sustainability

Reading Time: 3 minutes When asked to think about sustainable energy within a business environment, I’m sure that integrated databases, Business Intelligence dashboards, web …

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Applying and Operating ERPERP and Analytics

Going up… Ensuring the Direction of your Business

Reading Time: 3 minutes Sometimes awkward elevator silence can be filled with meaningful dialogue. The other day I was making my way up to …

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Applying and Operating ERPSoftware development

Where to Customize your ERP – Core vs. Context

Reading Time: 2 minutes Should an ERP system be customized? That is a question asked by many companies. Although some people say it should …

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Applying and Operating ERP

SQL – The perfect database partner

Reading Time: 4 minutes I love the database programming language SQL, and I don’t mind admitting it.  Ever since I first started to write …

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