How does ERP Fit into the Factory of the Future?

There’s no doubt that the global manufacturing industry is evolving at a rapid pace. During SYSPRO’s time exhibiting at MACH 2016, the UK’s largest manufacturing and machine tool trade show, and at our SYSPRO Europe company day, we have been looking closely at the future of the sector with one question in mind – where does ERP fit into the factory of the future?

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5 features of effective ERP solutions for the Electronics Industry


Renowned economist, Michael Porter, says that ‘innovation is the central issue in economic prosperity.’ Seems that those in the Electronics game agree. The Electronics industry is innovating at a ridiculous rate – almost 25 percent of the global research and development investment in 2015 can be traced back to this sector.

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ERP Trimming the Fat off Food Production

“The main facts in human life are five: birth, food, sleep, love and death.” ― E.M. Forster.

The great thing about a necessity is that, as a supplier, you are always guaranteed an eager market. Food production and distribution falls neatly into this category. We all have to eat, don’t we? However, as margins become tighter, food businesses have been forced to keep a beady eye on the bottom line and pay more attention to reducing inefficiencies.

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Using IT to be Forever Educated

Last week a colleague came to my desk for assistance with a video editing tool. While showing him how to produce a video, I commented on his busy Desktop and that he should tidy it up for demonstrations. “Oh that’s easy,” he said, “Check this out” and took control of the mouse right-clicked on the Desktop and disabled the Show Desktop Icons option. Boom. It was like shoving all your toys under the bed when your mom told you to clean your room.

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What is ERP’s Digital Disruption Role?

‘Disruption’ is a word usually associated with inconvenience and aggravation. A disruption while you’re watching your favorite TV series, a disruption that takes you away from the dinner table or that annoying disruption during your big presentation at work.

So when can disruption actually improve our lives?

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Expanding the User Experience Beyond the Garden of Apple

top E_learning Trends

You can’t seem to have a conversation about UX without talking about Apple products – especially the introduction of the iPhone in 2007. The iPhone was obviously a ‘game changer’, but it didn’t appear out of thin air. Its design was at least as much evolutionary as revolutionary. Apple’s aesthetics were pre-figured in the 1960s, by Dieter Rams, a German designer who worked for Braun.

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