
Business software

Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

How to Digitally Transform Your Business with ERP

Reading Time: 5 minutes Digital transformation is a phrase that has been discussed, exchanged and debated for the last couple of years. In fact, …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPBusiness software

What Supply Chain Visibility Means for Your Business

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the past few years, supply chains have become increasingly more connected and complex. At the same time consumer demand …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

Building Digital Resilience for a New Business Decade

Reading Time: 3 minutes As we start to settle into 2020, it promises to be a momentous year for UK manufacturing. In a post-Brexit …

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Services and Support for ERPBusiness software

The True Story of Customer Satisfaction in Africa

Reading Time: 4 minutes After 4 days of meetings with customers in Kenya, I have realized that over-delivery is the way to go here …

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ERP for ManufacturingBusiness software

The Blurred Line Between Manufacturers and Tech Companies

Reading Time: 4 minutes Is Tesla a car manufacturer, an energy company or a technology firm? Elon Musk envisioned Tesla Motors as a technology …

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Maximizing your ERP investment through skills development
Applying and Operating ERPBusiness software

Maximizing your ERP Investment Through Skills Development

Reading Time: 2 minutes Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.” This adage is particularly true today as we enter the …

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Managing-Operating ERPBusiness software

Celebrating Technology on International Language Day

Reading Time: 4 minutes February 21 was International Mother Language Day. This day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

7 Steps to Build Your Strategy and Roadmap for Digital Transformation – Part 2

Reading Time: 4 minutes Digital technologies are transforming how businesses operate. Manufacturers today understand the importance of these changes but many find it hard …

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Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation_in_Manufacturing_Africa
ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

Improving Customer Experience in the Age of Automation

Reading Time: 3 minutes While most manufacturers have entered the era of automation, statistics are showing that true industry differentiation lies not only in …

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