
Picture of Matthew Gordon-Box

Matthew Gordon-Box

As the Supply Chain Product Manager at SYSPRO, Matthew is responsible for analyzing the current offering and completing development of SYSPRO systems to assist customers in improving their supply chain. With a technical-approach, Matthew together with the product management team spearhead the SYSPRO supply chain software functionality to ensure it’s converted into a solution for customers. Matthew develops and maintains the strategy for the supply chain offering and facilitates the Release-To-Market of software. He has over 20 years experience within the SYSPRO Ecosystem and is passionate about advancing operational excellence through developing high-quality and scalable solutions.

Posts by Matthew Gordon-Box

Supply Chain Management and ERPERP and Digitization

eCommerce for Manufacturers: How an ERP can help order fulfillment

Reading Time: 4 minutes For manufacturers, prioritizing a seamless order fulfillment experience is key to driving repeat business. In these times where customer expectations …

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Applying and Operating ERPManaging inventory with ERP

Applying MRP with ERP in a modern manufacturing environment

Reading Time: 5 minutes Material Requirements Planning for a modern manufacturing environment Material Requirements Planning (MRP) is software that helps companies estimate the required …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP systems

How warehouse management can enhance the value of your ERP

Reading Time: 5 minutes Many manufacturers have successfully implemented an ERP system to streamline their business processes and improve efficiency.  However, for companies with …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPSupply Chain Management

Marshalling: The important last mile in warehouse management

Reading Time: 5 minutes Marshalling in warehouse management refers to the process of arranging and preparing items for outbound shipment according to their destination …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP systems

How manufacturers can adopt a sustainable supply chain

Reading Time: 5 minutes Due to increasing pressure from various stakeholders, many companies are turning their focus to ensuring that their supply chains are …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP systems

What is supply chain sovereignty and how can manufacturers achieve this

Reading Time: 4 minutes The term “supply chain” started being used in the mid-1990s as global political conditions changed in ways that encouraged international …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP Implementation

4 Steps to a successful supply chain automation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Supply chain automation is the use of digital technologies to improve efficiencies, connect applications and streamline processes within supply chain …

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Supply Chain Management and ERPERP systems

9 Reasons why you should automate your supply chain

Reading Time: 5 minutes When it comes to your business’s supply chain, it can be tempting to stick with what works. If your business …

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ERP for InventoryERP and Technology

Options for inventory planning and forecasting

Reading Time: 5 minutes In an increasingly unpredictable world environment, practices for planning and forecasting inventory levels that worked in the past need to …

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