
Picture of Dale Kehler

Dale Kehler

Dale Kehler is a technology executive with a vision to help businesses achieve process optimization, operational efficiency, and growth. Dale has extensive experience in leading teams in services such as Support, Consulting, Project Management, Development, Education and Training as well as Product Management. With many years in business leadership and working with manufacturing companies, Dale helps organizations bridge the gap between innovative technology and its value to the business.

Posts by Dale Kehler

ERP for Metal FabricationERP and Financial Management

Metal Fabricators can Choose Funding to Invest in ERP Software to Boost Innovation

Reading Time: 3 minutes Metal fabricators succeed when they can provide a high-quality product using efficient production processes. But increasing customer demand for a …

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ERP for ManufacturingERP and Digitization

Use Technology to Engage Young Workers in the Manufacturing Labor Force

Reading Time: 4 minutes Millennials and Generation Z are already disrupting the labor force and will continue to do so. A common challenge for …

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ERP and TechnologyBusiness software

How Using ERP can Help Fund New Innovations for Your Business

Reading Time: 4 minutes A recent study out from PwC in November 2018 week shows R&D spending by companies reached record levels in 2018—a good sign …

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Digital Business and ERPBusiness software

Why Digital Transformation is for all Manufacturers

Reading Time: 3 minutes Digital transformation is achievable for all manufacturers. A ‘DX’ strategy unlocks real value today and transforms your business for future …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Analytics

What Exactly is Digital Transformation and How it Benefits You?

Reading Time: 3 minutes The future for companies that don’t embrace digital transformation and digitization (the digital technology used to enable digital transformation) looks …

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Digital Business and ERPERP and Digitization

How can Digital Transformation (DX) Solve my Manufacturing Challenges?

Reading Time: 3 minutes A question on many lips these days is: how can Digital Transformation (DX) solve my manufacturing challenges? Manufacturers are under …

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